Can Connex compare products?

Compare product sales to other products or the same product


You can compare how a product sells, based on sales channel and date of sales. This comparison is helpful determining whether to sell a product on a channel.

What does the comparison look like?

Go to our product and click demo login. Click products and click compare products on the top right. Enter amiibo cards 6-pack Animal Crossing - Series 5. Compare sales from the last seven months. Here are some screenshots:

You can compare the same product in two different dates:

What fields are compared?

Here is a list:

Name Description
Total units sold Number of units sold in a period.
Sales price Products tab, sales price.
Total Sales Total dollar sales of a product in a time period.
Total Orders Number of sales with the product.
Total Profit Total of sales minus Amazon fees and cost of goods sold.
Total Refunds Number of refunds with the product.
Reorder Point Sales velocity (how fast a product sells daily) * by a product's maximum lead time (time to get product in the mail to sell)
Safety Stock Number of units to keep on hand to prevent oversells.
Days Remaining Of Stock Number of days before you run out of stock.
Units Sold Units sold, based on the time frame of the comparison. If you sold two units a day for thirty days, then units sold is sixty.
Quantity On Hand The number of units in stock.
Quantity On Order The number of units in transit arriving soon.
Quantity On Reserved The number of units that customers have ordered, but have not arrived in the mail. Units that are on hold for other customers.
Stock Value Value to purchase all the units sold from a supplier.
Max Lead Time Maximum number of days to receive the item in the mail to sell.
Average Lead Time Average number of days to receive the item in the mail to sell.
Stock Turnover Rate How quickly an item sells. Cost of goods sold divided by units in stock.
Forecast COGS Next twelve weeks the cost to buy units from the supplier.
Forecast Gross Profit Next twelve weeks the expected profit from item sales.
Forecast Quantity Sold Next twelve weeks the expected quantity sold from item sales.