Do you support split Amazon shipments and refunds?

Use next QuickBooks numbering


Amazon split shipments and refunds fail to sync.


Amazon will send split shipments and refunds with the same order number. Connex only allows one sale with the same number to sync. 


Resync sale will add -1 to refunds

Connex will add a -1 to the second part of the order for refunds, if you resync by number. Log into Connex. Click manual sync. Under list of orders, enter a comma separated list of sales to reexport.

Change number mapping

You must enable the next number from QuickBooks. Split shipments have the same order number, but the order date is different. Here is a use scenario:

  1. Order 114-9737156-1563453 has two split shipments.
  2. The first is on 4/13 and the second is on 4/19.

Two orders will sync:

  1. Order with memo 114-9737156-1563453 on 4/13:
  2. Order with memo Order 114-9737156-1563453 on 4/19:

What if I split a shipment on the same day?

If you split order 114-9737156-1563453 and it had a date of 4/13, then only one would sync. We recommend splitting shipments on separate days.

Can Connex merge split shipments?

No, because Connex receives split shipments on different days. Connex only receives the part of the order that was split.