ERPAG Sync with ShipStation

How to sync orders from ERPAG to a 3rd party system

What systems are compatible?

Our ERPAG integration can pull sales orders and sync them with a 3rd party system we support. Here is a list of systems:

  1. ShipStation
  2. ShipRush
  3. ShipWorks

In this example, we will show ShipStation.

How do I set up the integration?

Here are the steps:

  1. Login to Connex for QuickBooks.
  2. Click add selling channel
  3. Add ERPAG.
  4. Click dashboard and add ShipStation.
  5. We will have a user interface to pair ERPAG and ShipStation in Q1 2025. For now, please contact us.

How does the integration work?

Here is how it works:

  1. Connex will download orders into the Connex database. Go to pending order > pending transactions to see the orders.
  2. A scheduled task picks up the sale and syncs it to ShipStation:

How do fields map?

Here is a table:

ERPAG ShipStation Notes
Number Order Number We use invoice number, if supplied. Otherwise, we map order number.
Invoice Date Order Date  
Creation Date Order Date We use the date the sales order was created, if no invoice is supplied.
Billing Address Billing Address  
Shipping Address Shipping Address  
Line Item Description Item Name  
Line Item Qty Item Quantity  
Line Item Unit Price Item Unit Price  
Line Item Discount Unit Price Subtracted from the unit price and not listed as a separate item.
Line Item Tax Tax Paid We map tax, but ShipStation has no field.
Order Total Amount Paid  


Here are screenshots: