Getting Started: ERPAG

How to integrate ERPAG

What can the integration do?

Our tool can pull a list of sales and products from ERPAG. You can insert these sales into any of our integrations that support a create orders endpoint. You can sync stock updates from ERPAG to any integration that supports the update products endpoint.

How do I pair?

Here are the steps:

  1. Log into ERPAG.
  2. Create a user. Review How it works! on the ERPAG docs.
  3. Log into Connex.
  4. Click add channel.
  5. Add ERPAG.

ERPAG uses a custom API. You need to make these endpoints:

Get invoices by date

Pulls a list of invoices by the invoice date field:

Get products by date

Used to sync products from ERPAG to Connex

Get invoice by number

Used to pull a list of invoices by number. Log into Connex. Go to manual sync with ERPAG. Enter a comma separated list of numbers: