How to integrate ERPAG
What can the integration do?
Our tool can pull a list of sales and products from ERPAG. You can insert these sales into any of our integrations that support a create orders endpoint. You can sync stock updates from ERPAG to any integration that supports the update products endpoint.
How do I pair?
Here are the steps:
- Log into ERPAG.
- Go to administration > users.
- Click add new > API.
- Save the user and note the API key and secret fields:
Get sales order by ID
Used to pull orders from ERPAG.
- In ERPAG, click automatization and customization.
- Look for Get Sales Order.
- Click edit.
- Click run.
Get invoices by date
This API call Pulls a list of invoices by the invoice date field. To set up the connection, here are the steps:
- In ERPAG, click automatization and customization.
- Click new and select get.
- In the end point field, enter
- In the description field, enter get invoices by date using sales order.
- From the left, select database and sales orders:
- From the left, select response JSON 200 OK:
- In the JSON from sales orders, add the fields id and invoice number.
- In the where column, select database > sales orders > date time between:
- Drag and drop text after the datetime between. Go to response > URL parameter:
- The first is dateStart and the second is dateEnd. These parameters pull sales by date in ERPAG.
- On the right, click run. You will see a green tag saying running:
- Here is the end result:
Get products by date
This will pull a list of all products from ERPAG into Connex. Connex will pull in all products and detect the ones that have changed. Then, Connex will sync those products to your selling channels.
To set up the connection, here are the steps:
- In ERPAG, click automatization and customization.
- Click new and select get.
- In the end point field, enter
- On the left of the blockly, select database and click items:
- From the left, select response JSON 200 OK:
- From the JSON item, add these fields: id, sku, onHand, description, sellingPrice, stockPrice, itemType, category)
- On the right, click run. You will see a green tag saying running:
- Here is the end result:
- Click save and new.
Get invoice by number
In this connection, we pull invoices by number.
- In ERPAG, click automatization and customization.
- Click new and select get.
- In the end point field, enter
- In the description field, enter get invoices by date using sales order.
- From the left, select database and sales orders.
- Select list of ID:
- From the left, select response JSON 200 OK:
- In the where column, select database > sales orders > ID is:
- Go to response > URL parameter:
- Drag and drop URL parameter in the empty spot. As the field, choose invoice number. In the field name, enter invoiceNumber.
- On the right, click run. You will see a green tag saying running:
- Here is the end result:
Used to pull a list of invoices by number. Log into Connex. Go to manual sync with ERPAG. Enter a comma separated list of numbers:
🔷 Next: Sync Inventory (Step 1)