How do fields map between QuickBooks Online and Connex Ecommerce Analytics?

A field mapping guide

What data do you sync?

Connex Inventory will import all of your products, during the initial install. Our software will import the last 7 days of sales receipts and invoices to Connex.

How do products map?

Here is how products map:

QuickBooks Online Connex Inventory Notes
Sku Sku If blank, we map the QuickBooks item name.
Item Name Name  
Sales Description Product Description  
Sales Price Sales Price  
Unit Cost Unit Cost  
Preferred Vendor Vendor  


How do orders map?

Here is how orders map:

QuickBooks Online Connex Inventory Notes
DocNumber Order Number If blank we use the id on the record itself. We highly recommend adding an order number to each sale.
N/A Selling Channel Name We map the field to QuickBooks Online. 
Order Date Order Date Located on the top right of the sale.
Total Tax Total Tax  
Shipping Date Shipping Date  
Total Amount Order Total  
Shipping Method Shipping Method If you add a line item with UPS, FedEx or the phrase shipping, Connex maps the line item to shipping. You can use the QuickBooks Online shipping field, if activated.
Shipping Amount Shipping Amount  
Order Detail > Item Name Product SKU / Item Name  
Order Detail > Item SKU Product SKU If blank we use the QuickBooks item name field.
Order Detail > Rate Unit Price Price for 1 unit
Order Detail > Unit Quantity Unit Quantity  
Order Detail > Bundled Items   For each bundled item, our tool will add a line item to the sale. In Connex, go to settings > add bundled items as line items.
Order Detail > Discount Order Discount  
Customer Name Customer Name