How do fields map between ShipStation and QuickBooks

A guide on syncing new sales from ShipStation to QuickBooks

How does the shipping amount map?

We map the shipping that the customer paid. Here is the field:

In this example, you see the shipping is blank, but cost is available:

You can add a rule to map the shipping cost:

  1. Go to the rules engine in Connex.
  2. Click add new rule.
  3. Choose write rule without order number and click submit.
  4. As the rule action, enter shipping > map shipping price.
  5. Enter these conditions:
    1. Total shipping cost more than 0
    2. Shipping amount equals 0
    3. Total shipping cost map all
  6. Leave the last field blank and click submit.

How does the address map?

The field sold to maps to the QuickBooks order billing address. The ship to maps to the QuickBooks ship to address.

Do you have a visual mapping?

Read our rules engine guide on ShipStation rules mapping.

How do fields map with ShipStation and QuickBooks?

Here is a diagram:

ShipStation QuickBooks
Order Number Order Number
Store QuickBooks customer, if the user maps by selling channel name.
Order Date Order Date
Ship Date Ship Date
Internal Line item with notes or internal notes field in QuickBooks Online
To Buyer / Customer QuickBooks memo field
Shipping Paid QuickBooks shipping amount
Shipping Method QuickBooks line item with shipping method or shipping method field for QuickBooks Online
Tracking number QuickBooks tracking number for QuickBooks Online users or line item with shipping details in QuickBooks
Shipping cost QuickBooks line item with shipping costs. Read the section about mapping shipping costs below this guide.
Sold To If you enter a customer name in the ShipStation billing address only and if the shipping address name is identical, then Connex will map the shipping address as the billing address. Enter a valid billing and shipping address in ShipStation.
Billing name QuickBooks customer display name as
Billing phone QuickBooks customer phone
Billing company QuickBooks customer company
Billing Line 1 / 2 QuickBooks billing address
Billing city, state, postal code, and country QuickBooks billing address
Shipping name QuickBooks shipping address
Shipping line 1/ 2 QuickBooks address line 1 and 2
Shipping city, state, zip, country QuickBooks shipping address
Tags Can be used for rules. No mapping on QuickBooks sales.
Ship by No mapping. We use ship date.
Item name QuickBooks item description
Item SKU QuickBooks item name or SKU
Unit price Unit price
Tax paid Either a QuickBooks line item or you can use it to map a QuickBooks tax code.
Total paid Determines whether an order is paid.
Custom fields 1 - 3 Use our rules engine to map these fields to and from QuickBooks.
Payment Method If the payment method is missing on the ShipStation sale, then Connex syncs the phrase credit card. Shopify syncs no payment methods to ShipStation. We recommend syncing with your selling channel directly, if you need payment methods like PayPal to appear in QuickBooks.