  2. General Troubleshooting Guide
  3. QuickBooks Desktop Error Messages

How do I enable advanced debugging?

Advanced debugging

How do QuickBooks and Connex communicate?

Connex for QuickBooks sends and receives text files of information with QuickBooks. This language includes instructions adding orders and syncing inventory changes from QuickBooks. These special instructions are known as QB XML. For some support issues, our development team must view the QB XML traveling between QuickBooks.

How do I enable the setting?

Here are the steps:

  1. Login to Connex.
  2. On our dashboard, click manual sync.
  3. Enter a date range or order numbers.
  4. Click manage.
  5. On the configure page, click orders.
  6. Click advanced transaction.
  7. Under QB XML debug mode, select ON.
  8. Click save settings on the top right.
  9. Run your web connector.
  10. Contact support.