How do I map sales tax to QuickBooks Canada?

How to map QuickBooks Canada tax

How do I set up the mappings?

Here are the steps:

  1. Login to Connex and click sales tax.
  2. Uncheck add tax as a line item.
  3. Map a tax code for each region in Canada.

How does sales tax mapping work?

If there is no tax, then Connex will send exempt, a zero rated tax code. Connex sends the order without tax to QuickBooks. After we send the order, Connex looks up the sales tax code in the sales tax mapping area. In this example, Connex will map the code GST for any sale in Nova Scotia or Newfoundland:

Connex will map the same sales tax code for each line item on the order, if the line item was taxable. 

What if my order item has no tax?

If the order has no tax, then Connex will map exempt. Even if you mapped GST, the 0% tax will map. Ensure your order's total tax is greater than 0 and ensure each line item is taxable. Contact your selling channel provider's support for help.

Can I map a compound tax code?

Yes, you can map a code like GST/PST and Connex will map the tax code. Here is an example:

Can I create a rule to map the tax code from my Shopify or Bigcommerce order?

Tax in QuickBooks Canada is different than the U.S. It is possible for different products to have different tax rates on the same sale.

Yes, we pull in the sales tax mapping from Shopify and Bigcommerce. The rule action is map order item tax code. The field to compare is SKU. If issues persist, please contact our support with a copy of the sale and the desired tax mapping.