  2. General Troubleshooting Guide
  3. QuickBooks Desktop Error Messages

How do I reset my chart of accounts or refresh my drop-downs in Connex?

Connex downloads your chart of accounts and other lists from QuickBooks, during the install


You are using our settings page. The drop down lists are missing some accounts from QuickBooks. 


You are trying to sync sales. You changed an account in QuickBooks and you cannot sync because Connex is using the old account or missing accounts.


Run Refresh Drop Downs


You will need to be in single user mode logged in as Admin for the following steps

Follow these steps:

  1. Login to Connex.
  2. On the top menu, click settings.
  3. Click Connex setting on the left.
  4. On the right, click update drop down list:
  5. Click save.
  6. Log into QuickBooks as ADMIN and open the company file.
  7. run the web connector by checking off the appropriate connection, and clicking Update Selected: