Getting Started with Rules: How do I troubleshoot a rule?

How to find what rules are running and how to fix them

How do I see what rules ran?

In this example, a rule that renames all SKUs to ABC is running. Let's see how to troubleshoot.

  1. On the top nav, click rules engine.
  2. Click order previewer on the left.
  3. Select your selling channel.
  4. Enter an order number.
  5. Click submit.
  6. Click the eye icon.
  7. In the line items, the SKU is changed to ABC:
  8. Scroll down to see what rules ran. The map all SKUs to ABC is running:
  9. Click rules engine.
  10. You can either alter the rule or delete it to make the rule stop running:
  11. Go back to order previewer and view the order again. The rule no longer runs.