Sync orders from QuickBooks to HubSpot

How to sync sales from QuickBooks to HubSpot

How do fields match?

We match the QuickBooks customer email to the HubSpot contact email field. If there is no match, then Connex will make new customers. If you wish to use another field to match, please contact support.

Here is a list of fields:

QuickBooks HubSpot
Billing and shipping address Can be mapped to HubSpot custom fields. Contact our support.
Contact first and last name Contact first and last name
Contact email Email
Phone Phone
Company Company
Line Item Name Product SKU, line item on deal
Line Item Quantity Line item quantity
Order Date Deal Date
Discount Line item discount

Create Order in QuickBooks

Here are the steps:

  1. In QuickBooks Enterprise, go to customer center. 
  2. Click a customer.
  3. Click new transaction and choose an invoice or sales order.
  4. Create a new order with a class called HubSpot. This will tell Connex to sync the order from QuickBooks to HubSpot:

Sync order

Next, instruct Connex to sync orders from QuickBooks to HubSpot.

  1. Log into Connex.
  2. Click settings > HubSpot > orders from QuickBooks.
  3. Check the box to enable the sync.
  4. Select the type of sales you want to sync, like invoices.
  5. Click advanced.
  6. Choose HubSpot as the class.
  7. As the dates, choose yesterday and tomorrow.
  8. Click submit.
  9. Run your web connector.