  2. General Troubleshooting Guide
  3. QuickBooks Desktop Error Messages

There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks Customer

If the customer is missing from an incoming order, then Connex will attempt to create it. If Connex fails to create the customer, then the order will fail to sync. 


Orders do not sync because the customer is missing from QuickBooks. Connex is unable to create the customer.


Here is an example:

There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks Customer "Vazquez, Fernando" in the SalesReceipt. QuickBooks error message: Invalid argument. The specified record does not exist in the list. 


Locate the exact error

To locate the exact error, click the sync activity log in Connex. Click error. Under search, enter customer. Hover over the error:

Check if customer was deleted

In QuickBooks, go to customer center. Show all inactive customers. Search for the customer. If the customer is inactive, then reactivate the account.

Check if customer is an employee or vendor

The customer being created matches a vendor or employee in QuickBooks. Go to the vendor or employee list in QuickBooks. Find the matching record and change the name, like Shopify (Vendor). 

Max customer limit reached

QuickBooks has a max customer limit that you might have exceeded. Try creating a new customer. Press F2 in QuickBooks. Look under list information: