Can I map to custom properties from Connex to HubSpot?

How to customize the field mapping

How do I map the field?

In this example, the user created a custom property on the HubSpot deal called competitor. Connex will map the QuickBooks invoice address one field to HubSpot:

  1. In HubSpot, go to the gear box on the right.
  2. Click data management > object > deals.
  3. Click set-up > manage deal properties.
  4. Find the property and click edit.
  5. Note the internal name:
  6. In Connex, go to rules engine and click add rule.
  7. Click write rule without order number.
  8. As the action, choose map billing address line 1.
  9. In the condition, enter these values
    1. Field is custom field
    2. Comparison is map all
    3. Initial Value is competitor (internal name from HubSpot)
  10. Leave the last field, value to be updated, blank.