The Web Connector is the QuickBooks tool that enables Connex to integrate with your QuickBooks.
What does the web connector do?
The QuickBooks Web Connector is like a UPS delivery driver. The tool transfers data to and from Connex from QuickBooks and your selling channels.
How do I pair the Web Connector from the install wizard?
Here are the steps:
- If you use QuickBooks from a remote machine, like RightNetworks, log into the remote machine. Open a browser. If you sync from your local PC, then open a browser on that machine.
- Login to QuickBooks in single user mode as admin.
- Open your QuickBooks company file.
- In the Connex install wizard, choose QuickBooks Desktop.
- Click the button to download a pairing file.
- Double click the pairing file.
- In a few seconds, the QuickBooks web connector will open. You will see a dialog. Click OK:
- Next, continue the authorization process by clicking Yes where appropriate. Finally, select the "Yes, always..." option and choose the "Login as" to the Admin user. Click Continue..., then click Done
How do I run the web connector?
Once you pair, you need to run the web connector. Our tool will pull your chart of accounts and class list into Connex and you can configure Connex on the install wizard. To run the web connector, follow these steps:
- Open the Web Connector by going to File -> App Management -> Update Web Services.
- In the Web Connector, place a check mark next to the Connex Application on the left-hand side. This selects the integration.
- Next, in the Password field, enter an arbitrary password - it can be anything you like. Make sure to save it. usually recommended to use 1234
- Click Update Selected. This runs the selected integration.
The final steps, configuring your integration, will be completed entirely within Connex (in your web browser).
Switch to Multi-User Mode
Just in case, you can now return your QuickBooks to multi-use mode, too (File > Switch to Multi-user Mode).